US president Joe Biden was offended out of frustration and reported a nearby examination concerning the Texas shooting case.

Getting to the meaningful part, the screen captures picture of Bernes’ produced story of being caught and executed in Kabul, and later his passing in those days by the handle CNN Afghan on Twitter on August 2021. Also, the photographs shared by online clients on Twitter are something similar.

In any case, Bernes’ new tweets expressed he was shot and killed in a Texas Elementary school shooting. He is one of the people in question.

Bernie Gores Fabricated Death News-What Happened To Bernie Gores? The produced story of Bernie Gores by CNN, who wound up dead in both Ukraine and Kabul war intrusions, is portrayed as a CNN columnist. The post is transferred by CNN Afghan and CNN Ukraine Twitter pages. Here is a connection. Notwithstanding, the news presently emerged as a fabrication.

Individuals are sharing the post from CNN on Facebook to clear the disarray with respect to Bernes’ demise since the photograph was utilized on various occasions.

Reality checkers have exposed the phony tweets and post via web-based entertainment that is suspended. In the interim, CNN has denied tweeting the post.

Truth Check-Is Bernie Gores A Journalist Or A Teacher? Bernie Gores is a columnist or an educator. This issue is yet not cleared in the media. Since the new tweets guaranteed that Bernie was an instructor at Texas Elementary school. He died during the shooting.

Various sources are as yet diving into the matter and hanging tight for exact data about the individual, Bernes, whose photograph was transferred a few times via web-based entertainment, guaranteeing he was a writer executed by the Taliban in the mid year of August 2021. Then, in another tweet, CNN detailed Gores was a lobbyist killed by Ukrainian separatists in February.

Individuals can’t confide in the CNN tabloids, and meddling the sensationalist newspapers spreads misleading data to the general population.

NBC News Australia tweeted that Bernes, matured 36, was a survivor of a Texas mass shooting.

— SHAY (@shaydoesnothing) May 24, 2022

CNN’s Tweets Reports On Bernie Gore Death News Debunked CNN has denied and expressed they never posted such fashioned data. Moreover, the case was exposed by Reuters,, and AFP.

The tweets are from an unconfirmed Twitter page, and it’s a trick. Regardless, individuals have shared CNN’s Afghan and Ukraine posts on their feeds. It’s a significant issue and should be settled soon.

What’s reality? USA Today detailed the #Bernes Gores tweet transferred by the handle CNN Afghan last year was phony and denied posting the tweets.