Leonardo DiCaprio utilized his Oscars win to give a smart discourse on environmental change, Jaoquin Pheonix after his Joker film win utilized his acknowledgment discourse ability to advocate for basic entitlements.


Yet, the most noteworthy and disputable take throughout the entire existence of Academy Awards will be Marlon Brando’s Oscars win in 1973 for The Godfather and dismissing his honor to offer the stage discourse chance to native delegate Sacheen Littlefeather.

What Happened Between John Wayne and Sacheen Littlefeather? In 1973, Marlon Brando won the Oscars for Best Male Actor for his presentation in The Godfather.

He requested that Sacheen Littlefeather stroll onto the stage and benevolently reject the honor for himself and offer a striking expression about native freedoms and their unforgiving treatment in Hollywood.

Sacheen conveyed a short discourse and begun with Brando’s own assertion on why he will not be getting the honor until changes occur in the film business he works for.

Littlefeather’s discourse was taken with applauds and boos and she was constantly booed before she requested the audience’s reason for the embarrassment.

This Oscars discourse was a month after the Occupy Wounded Knee episode when 200 Sioux activists held onto South Dakota and requested that the public authority treat them reasonably according to the marked settlements of the 90s.

The Oscars stage was as a matter of fact a fantastic stage with north of 80 million watchers to pass the striking explanation that changes are requested and the film business ought not be seriously segregating.

Marlon Brando Oscar Controversy Revisited Marlon Brando dismissed his Oscars grant in 1973 as he accepted the stage could invite a native delegate Sacheen Littlefeather to pass an assertion about the safeguarding of equivalent freedoms for native individuals in Hollywood.

— Rajesh Thind (@RajeshThind) March 28, 2022

He didn’t go to the service and send Littlefeather rather to dismiss his honor with an actually composed letter sent alongside her.

The Oscars group didn’t permit the letter from Brando to be perused at the service however it was subsequently distributed.

John Wayne Attacking Sacheen Littlefeather John Wayne, broadly connected with killing native individuals in the film attempted to go after Sacheen Littlefeather during the stage discourse.

He was to be controlled by no less than six safety officers at such an incredible occasion.