You might be stunned to discover black magic is an authentic way of life and it’s not simply from your preferred youth book Winnie the Witch. Or then again, on the off chance that you had to peruse The Crucible at school, you may think witchery is a relic of past times. You’d not be right, however, and there are an alleged ‘12,000 witches in England and Wales’.

Apparently, an infant witch’s main responsibility is to investigate and secure wizardry work. So when progressively experienced witches found out about the pointless hexing… WitchTok went insane.

Not exclusively did the beginners ‘Hex the Fae’, however they even hexed the moon – a planet. This sounds crazy to the witches, particularly on the grounds that the moon’s capacity is utilized in black magic, and is critical to the network.

Witches get genuinely hurt when their Gods get injured, so when Artemis and Apollo, whose area is the moon and the sun, get hexed, witches get frantic.

Keeping up?

— katie ✿ (@heartbreakbriar) July 19, 2020


Hexing is spellwork that permits witches to cast contrary vitality and direct it at individuals and items, the goals are to hurt them and their lives.


The Fae, otherwise known as reasonable people, are basically non-human animals, sort of like what pixies depend on. Numerous witches fuse these enchanted animals into their practices. They aren’t human in this manner don’t follow human ethics, and on the off chance that they’re meddled with, at that point there are huge results – you may even get your sole taken!

These infant witches are new to the training and can be seen as both uninformed and unequipped to complete such hexing. It is supposed that the four unpracticed witches were attempting to “demonstrate a point” by hexing the moon and the fae.

The data originates from a well known Twitter string that has recieved more than 37,000 retweets.

In any case, some Twitter clients are contending that you can’t simply ‘Hex the moon’ – the little witches don’t have the force, ability or vitality to do something like this.

— jupiter ✿ (@heyyadoraa) July 19, 2020

The WitchTokkers out there have monitored the moon and it doesn’t sound great…

— anti-lawn activist (@antihoa) July 19, 2020

There are bits of gossip that the child witches are presently wanting the sun, yet with their past hexing turning into a web sensation, ideally they have understood this isn’t The Vampire Diaries and the black magic network are getting profoundly outraged.

— weird bitch from chicken little (@coccgf) July 20, 2020

We despite everything don’t have the foggiest idea about the effect of such bad behaviors so keep your fingers crossed that when you watch out of your window this evening, the moon will in any case be there.